Hey all, thanks for stopping by the website! I've been perhaps a little neglectful towards this place on the internet, but am happy to be back in the control booth, relearning how to run the darn thing, and I figured I'd post a new blog about all the stuff I have going on. I hope to do this more regularly.
This summer (2024) has me in Paonia, CO, where I'm on a bit of retreat with my partner Alyssa Pinkerton. I've been writing songs, trying to keep up with the paintings that she is cranking out. It's been pretty eye-opening how much artistic work one can get themselves up to when transplanted into a different space, with different routines and a clear focus. I hope to share some of the songs I've been crafting with you guys soon. I'll be back on the front range soon enough, though.
The Spidercat fellas have been celebrating the release of our debut CD, "Breaking Like a New Day," and are enjoying our regular gig at Avogadro's Number in Fort Collins, every third Thursday of the month. Catch us there live for a great time!
